How does your website communicate with your audience ?

Communication is the main purpose of a website. Your website has to communicates your business to your audience. If you are a service based business owner, you will have list of services you provide. If you own a website, your website will serve you as a sales person for your business. How ?! You have your service page, sales page, FAQ page, opt-in page, about page and all the required information in your website that describes all the details you want your customers to know and finally help them sign up for your services. You no need to directly contact each person and discuss your business every time. You save time for your business & life. Your website does the job for you. You can include customized contact forms in your website so that you can reach out for each enquiry appropriately. So you no need to wait and respond to endless dms, emails and calls. Your website does the job for you while you can work on your other plans. 

When you provide a professional and seamless experience to your prospects to navigate through your services and communicate with your business, they expect the same from your services too. It helps your audience to trust with your business and choose you among the crowd.

Here your website communicates your business and your brand. So you need to make the communication effective. To make it effective, you need to know the elements of your website that communicate with your audience. Let’s consider the most important elements at the moment. Website navigation, website copy and CTA (call-to-action) are 3 essential elements of a website that communicates with your audience.

How does a website communicate

1️⃣. Website navigation

Website Navigation is the way of navigating pages, content and information on website. Having organized and easy-to-follow navigation for is very important for the overall user experience. Simple site architecture is best . Complicated interfaces will only confuse users are more likely to leave a site.

Tips To Remember

🔹 Limit the number of menu options
🔹 Add a search bar
🔹 Include links to the homepage

🔹Use short and concise names
🔹Make Your Hypertext Stand Out from the Body Copy
🔹Make Sure Your Navigation Is Fully Responsive
🔹Include Footer

2️⃣. Website copy
Web copy is the words on your website. Your web copy describes your business to people. It defines your site’s purpose. Web copy reflects your brand and build relationships. Web copy communicates your offers effectively. Good design is important but useless without good copy.

Tips To Remember

🔹Keep It Simple and descriptive
🔹Address The Problem.
🔹Emphasize Benefits Over Features
🔹Create powerful headlines.
🔹Break up your copy with headings, subheadings, and bullets.
🔹Avoid industry jargon.
🔹End with an irresistible call to action.

3️⃣. CTA (Call-To-Action)

A call to action is an important aspect on any webpage. Call to action links and buttons act as signposts telling users what they need to do next. Without clear CTAs, users may struggle to see the route to buying a product or signing up for a service.

Tips To Remember

🔹Make Your CTAs Easy to Find
🔹Use action-oriented text.
🔹Make your button text large and legible.
🔹Keep it short.
🔹Create urgency

Clear navigation, great copy and appropriate CTA will result in better website communication.

Ready to build a website that attracts your dream clients and communicates your offers effectively ? I am here to help you. Contact me now to get started. Ley’s build your brand together. 🤝

Rahana Razak - Brand and Web designer

Hello I am Rahana. I help passionate entrepreneurs and small business owners to build their brand & website so that they can show up for their audience with clarity & confidence.


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