Do you own your business domain ?

Do you own your business domain

Do you own your business domain ? What does a random FREE SUB DOMAIN in your bio tell your audience ? It shows the lack of your confidence in investing in your own business.  Aren’t you sure if you could bring the value you promise ? Are you waiting for some people to blindly trust with your services ? 

A URL such as ‘’ does not inspire confidence in a customer like a ‘’ domain name does.

Having a branded domain boosts your credibility. The best time to get a domain (website) for yourself is at an early stage of the business.

Why business domain is important ?

✅. Credibility

Business domain adds professional credibility to your business. Getting a custom domain is a good signal for how seriously you take your business. It shows that you believe in your business enough to invest in your business. This will make your online visitors more comfortable in trusting your business to buy your products / services.

✅. Business Email

With a  custom domain, you can easily create custom email addresses that can boost the image of your business and make you look more professional. Domain email are very important in email marketing.

✅. Easy to remember

Domain names are easy to remember and share.

For Eg. ‘’ vs ‘’

If you are using a free sub domain, you have to mention the provider every time you share your website, marketing the provider’s brand instead of yours.

✅. Take control

You own your domain and you have full control over it, unlike if you are using a sub domain, they can anytime stop their service and you will lost your address and data.

What stop you from owning your business domain ? If you want to create a brand identity in the competitive market & want to be a leader in your industry, own your business domain.


Rahana Razak - Brand and Web designer

Hello I am Rahana. I help passionate entrepreneurs and small business owners to build their brand & website so that they can show up for their audience with clarity & confidence.


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